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Fix Your Methylation

        Without Genetic Testing        

The 5-Week Methylation + COMT Master Plan
One time

Learn *exactly* what supplements to take and how to take them based on Dr. Malek's extensive methylation and COMT experience.

✓ ~1.5 hours of dense, evidence-informed video material
✓ Unlimited 1-year access
✓ Highly specific, step-by-step information
✓ Exact supplement dosages and brands
✓ Direct links to recommended supplements on Amazon

This course is in development. As an early registrant, you will get free access to future updates.

What Supplements Should You Take If You Have a MAT1A Mutation?
Malek Hamed, MD Malek Hamed, MD

What Supplements Should You Take If You Have a MAT1A Mutation?

The MAT1A gene doesn’t get much attention in the methylation world. In fact, many “methylation tests” don’t even test for your MAT1A variant—instead, they just focus on five genes: MTHFR, MTR, MTRR, AHCY, and COMT.

But that’s a big loss, as the MAT1A is actually highly important to your ability to properly methylate.

In fact, MAT1A is arguably the gene with the most direct impact on methylation.

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The Most Important Blood Test Your Doctor Probably Never Orders
Malek Hamed, MD Malek Hamed, MD

The Most Important Blood Test Your Doctor Probably Never Orders

Doctors are notorious for being pretty temperate in their lab ordering: A CBC (blood count), CMP (kidney and liver markers), TSH (thyroid), A1C (diabetes screening), Lipid Panel (heart disease risk screening), and maybe a Vitamin D level are pretty much all that most doctors routinely order.

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The New (Hidden) Disease—B6 Toxicity 💊
Malek Hamed, MD Malek Hamed, MD

The New (Hidden) Disease—B6 Toxicity 💊

Lightheadedness, fatigue, peripheral neuropathy (like the kind you get with diabetes), allergies, brain fog, food intolerances, heat intolerance, blurred vision, blood pressure dysregulation (including POTS), exercise intolerance, etc. These are symptoms of a new, underrecognized pervasive sickness.

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Is Coffee ☕ Good for People with a Fast COMT?
Malek Hamed, MD Malek Hamed, MD

Is Coffee ☕ Good for People with a Fast COMT?

Caffeine (through coffee, tea, or otherwise) has the clear potential to interact with different COMT variants in different ways. I discussed some of this in a previous article, where I covered how caffeine can actually increase the risk of heart attacks in people with slow COMT variants. But what about fast COMT variants…

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How the COMT Gene Affects Your Susceptibility to Pain
Malek Hamed, MD Malek Hamed, MD

How the COMT Gene Affects Your Susceptibility to Pain

Pain is a very subjective experience. What barely perturbs one person can be enough to utterly upend another’s life entirely. This applies to physical pain—things like thorn pricks, broken bones, etc.—as well as emotional and psychological pain…

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Supplements to Avoid with a Slow COMT
Malek Hamed, MD Malek Hamed, MD

Supplements to Avoid with a Slow COMT

As you may remember from our previous articles, catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) is an enzyme that breaks down catecholamines (most relevantly, dopamine), undesirable forms of estrogen, and other toxic substances in the body…

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How NAC Can Help People with COMT Mutations
Malek Hamed, MD Malek Hamed, MD

How NAC Can Help People with COMT Mutations

Catechol-O-methyltransferase, or COMT as it’s more commonly known, is an enzyme that’s responsible for breaking down a variety of different compounds in the body. This includes things like: Dopamine—an important neurotransmitter…

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An Often-Overlooked Aspect of Healing from Spike Protein
Malek Hamed, MD Malek Hamed, MD

An Often-Overlooked Aspect of Healing from Spike Protein

The spike protein—that protein encoded both by the COVID virus and the COVID vaccine—is a particularly nasty protein. It’s been found to distribute itself throughout the body’s tissues after vaccination or infection, accumulating in various bodily tissues and organs, causing untold harm to the thyroid gland, the brain, the reproductive organs, and more.

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How Genetic Testing Can Help You Overcome Inflammation
Malek Hamed, MD Malek Hamed, MD

How Genetic Testing Can Help You Overcome Inflammation

Chronic, systemic inflammation is an extremely common problem, especially in the hyper-modern, first-world type environments that so many of us live in. So many of the patients that I work with—people with conditions from fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue to hypothyroidism and IBS—have full-body, long-term inflammation as a key underlying component of their conditions.

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Genetic Testing for OCD?
Malek Hamed, MD Malek Hamed, MD

Genetic Testing for OCD?

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is more common than you may think. Around 1 in 40 people develop it at some point in their life, and it can be quite debilitating. People with OCD experience intrusive, unshakeable thoughts as well as compulsive behaviors.

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How SIBO Can Be Caused by Undermethylation
Malek Hamed, MD Malek Hamed, MD

How SIBO Can Be Caused by Undermethylation

How can a methylation problem cause SIBO? One of the most important components of the digestive process is the production and release of bile—a liquid substance containing fat emulsification and other digestive factors produced by the liver and released from the gallbladder…

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What Causes High Niacin Levels?
Malek Hamed, MD Malek Hamed, MD

What Causes High Niacin Levels?

If you do a Google search on that question, you won’t find too much information out there. You’ll find plenty on the results of consuming too much niacin, but you won’t find very much on the causes because, frankly, no one really knows very much about that.

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