Dr. Malek’s


Advanced Genetic and Methylation Testing

“Confirmed lifelong issues that doctors were unwilling or could not fix, and it’s as simple as stopping what’s poisoning you and supplementing for deficiencies. This test will change the world.”

~ Michael

“This level of guidance is rare to find.”

~ Anonymous customer

“I highly recommend this comprehensive MTHFR test to anyone seeking a deeper understanding of their genetic makeup and personalized recommendations for optimal health”

~ Gloria

“Far superior to the more expensive offering from the competition! :-)”

~ Todd

“This is the best genetic testing kit on the market.”

~ Dexter

“Putting aside earning money fast so they can focus on the tests they already have proves to me that money isn't their first concern, health is.”

~ Debbie

Meet Dr. Malek


Meet Dr. Malek 🧬🧬🧬

MTHFRSolve is my brainchild.

I’m an IFM-trained Functional Medicine physician with experience solving a wide variety of disorders still seen as mysterious by the modern medical paradigm.

I love solving those mysterious problems.

But doing so—I’ve found—requires two things that are, unfortunately, much too rare in our times: Authenticity and Depth.

MTHFRSolve is my way of giving you a little bit of that.

~ Dr. Malek

What makes MTHFRSolve the best out there?

We’re an ultra-small Florida-based company aiming to provide the most in-depth, scientifically accurate, and personalized genetic and functional testing possible.

We always provide:

  • Rigorous privacy standards — Your information is sent only to you and the lab.

  • Interpreted results You’ll get Dr. Malek’s supplement recommendations included in the full report sent to your email.

  • Fast, free delivery — Your kit is sent to your doorstep usually within 7 days.

  • Accessibility — Your genetic sample is obtained via a simple cheek swab.

Our testing options:

MTHFRSolve Comprehensive Methylation Panel + COMT

One of the most comprehensive tests of methylation genetics on the market. Learn more

  • We test 27 spots on your DNA that are relevant to the process of methylation, including MTHFR, MTR, MTRR, AHCY, and more. Many competitors test only 5.

  • We test the highly important COMT gene SNP, a gene that affects how you process dopamine, adrenaline, and estrogen.

  • Your results come with in-depth supplement recommendations, including dosages, written by Dr. Malek for your unique genetic variances.

from $399.00

MTHFRSolve Mood and Cognition Panel

Learn to address your anxiety, depression, lack of focus, obsessiveness, etc. using a non-pharmaceutical approach targeted to your genetics. Learn more

  • 9 gene SNPs that impact your body’s regulation of key neurotransmitters, including dopamine and serotonin.

  • This test includes both of the key MTHFR gene SNPs.

  • Your results come with in-depth supplement recommendations written by Dr. Malek for your unique genetic variances, tailored to help you address your mood.


New Offering


New Offering 🧬

NEW | Fix Your Methylation Without Genetic Testing

This is a highly condensed, ~1.5-hour video course teaching you exactly how to fix your methylation, from the ground up. Learn more

  • Get direct, non-affiliated links to specific supplement brands on Amazon based on Dr. Malek's extensive experience.

  • Learn exactly what to take and how to take it.

  • Get Dr. Malek's methylation expertise in ~1.5 hours of highly in-depth video material.

  • Get 1-year access to the plan and all updates during that time.

Get $200 OFF
Only for the first 50 registrants
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One time

The ULTIMATE Methylation Package

This is the most in-depth test of methylation on the market.

The Ultimate Methylation Package tests both genetics and biomarkers to give you an extremely high-precision understanding of your methylation status. You get a 45-minute consultation with Dr. Malek where he develops a holistic tailored plan for you. Learn more

from $1,400.00
  • This test includes the 27 methylation-related genetic SNPs present in the Comprehensive Methylation Panel + COMT.

  • This test includes the The Genova Diagnostics Methylation Panel kit, which we consider the best test for methylation biomarkers—i.e. active markers of how methylation is actually functioning inside your body. This provides an extremely valuable complement to information about your genetic polymorphisms because it helps us understand how your methylation genetics are interplaying with your environment.

  • You'll meet with Dr. Malek to undergo a full analysis and explanation of what your methylation genetics and biomarkers entail. This consult will place your results in context and will include lifestyle, dietary, and supplement recommendations. You’ll receive a link to schedule your consult after all your results are in.

Discover what makes MTHFRSolve the best out there.

  • 28 gene SNPs tested for $499 — that’s less than $18 per gene.

  • Other companies test just 5 genes for $599 — almost $120 per gene.

  • In-depth supplement recommendations written by Dr. Malek for you personally, based on your individual genetics.

Few commercially available tests offer this degree of comprehensiveness at a similar price. Testing just 5 genes won’t cut it.

This provides you the information you need to improve your energy, mood, cognitive function, and more in a gene-specific manner.

Just ask AI:

Gene-by-gene comparison of Gary Brecka's 10XHealth and MTHFRSolve's Genetic Tests


Now available:

Fix Your Methylation Without Genetic Testing

Methylation is important..

But most address it wrong, even with genetic testing.

Dr. Malek has worked with hundreds of people with methylation deficits. Based on his extensive experience, he’s developed this highly in-depth, step-by-step plan to allow you to address your methylation—without genetic testing.

The 5-Week Methylation + COMT Master Plan
One time

Learn *exactly* what supplements to take and how to take them based on Dr. Malek's extensive methylation and COMT experience.

✓ ~1.5 hours of dense, evidence-informed video material
✓ Unlimited 1-year access
✓ Highly specific, step-by-step information
✓ Exact supplement dosages and brands
✓ Direct links to recommended supplements on Amazon

Methylation testing is appropriate for people with

  • Mood problems

  • Memory/cognitive function problems

  • Chronic fatigue

  • Detox issues

  • Long-COVID and Vaccine injury

  • Cancer risk

And anyone else just trying to optimize their physical and mental health.

Not sure which test is right for you?

Or give us a call


Order your kit.


Kit arrives at your doorstep.


Perform your cheek swab.


Mail your kit in for testing.


Results arrive in your inbox.

What’s Tested

Comprehensive Methylation Panel + COMT

These are the SNPs tested in the Comprehensive Methylation panel + COMT Testing. The ULTIMATE Methylation Package (when available) contains these SNPs as well as in-depth blood biomarker testing. The LIFETIME Panel contains an additional ~20 gene SNPs, but no biomarkers.

  • The FOLR1 (folate receptor alpha) gene produces a folate receptor that is responsible for transporting folate and its derivatives into cells. Variations in this gene can affect the delivery of folate in the bloodstream to cells. A study found that individuals who were heterozygous for the polymorphism rs2071010 had elevated serum folate levels compared to those with the GG genotype, suggesting that the A allele may reduce FOLR1 function. Additionally, individuals with the AA genotype may be at increased risk for elevated homocysteine levels.

  • Folate Receptor 2 (FOLR2) is a member of the folate receptor (FOLR) family. Members of this gene family have a high affinity for folic acid. Polymorphisms in this gene allow for poor delivery of folic acid to the interior of cells. This can create a high plasma folic acid. This polymorphism does create a methylation deficiency. This polymorphism is associated with many disorders of pregnancy. This receptor is found in high quantities on the placenta, thymus and bone marrow. Can be affiliated with immune disorders.

  • Dihydrofolate reductase, or DHFR, is an enzyme that reduces dihydrofolic acid to tetrahydrofolic acid. This enzyme is the second enzyme in the folic acid conversion chain. Having a mutation in this enzyme can create a methylation deficiency with a MTHFR mutation.

  • AHCY helps breakdown S-adenosylhomocysteine (SAH), which is a strong inhibitor of methyltransferase activity.

  • Methylenetetrahydrofolate Dehydrogenase 1 enzyme handles 2 significant enzymes conversions in the production of L-MTHF. This common polymorphism causes a significant methylation deficiency due to the fact that it is utilized in two steps in methyl-folate production.

  • The MTHFR (methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase) gene encodes a metabolic enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate to 5-methyltetrahydrofolate (MTHF), the bioactive form of folate. Folate is a crucial mediator of one-carbon metabolism, which is necessary for a plethora of biochemical functions, such as nucleotide biosynthesis, amino acid metabolism, epigenetic maintenance, and oxidative defense. The polymorphism rs1801131, sometimes referred to as A1298C, results in an alanine substitution for a glutamate residue in the enzyme at position 429, which occurs near the binding site for an allosteric inhibitor, S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAMe). Cell-based assays have shown that the enzyme produced by the G allele, which encodes an alanine residue, reduces MTHFR activity by about 30% compared to the enzyme produced by the T allele. Consistent with these findings, the GG genotype has been associated with increased risk for ischemic stroke and infertility due to decreased sperm production in men. Furthermore, individuals heterozygous for rs1801131 and rs1801133, another polymorphism in the MTHFR gene, have a more severe clinical phenotype that is similar to the AA genotype for rs1801133. Lastly, despite the prevalence of both minor alleles, the genotype combination rs1801131 GG and rs1801133 AA is nearly nonexistent in the population, suggesting it confers a significant genetic disadvantage.

  • The MTHFR (methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase) gene encodes a metabolic enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate to 5-methyltetrahydrofolate (MTHF), the bioactive form of folate. Folate is a crucial mediator of one-carbon metabolism, which is necessary for a plethora of biochemical functions, such as nucleotide biosynthesis, amino acid metabolism, epigenetic maintenance, and oxidative defense. The polymorphism rs1801133, sometimes referred to as C677T, results in a valine substitution for an alanine residue in the enzyme at position 222, which occurs near the binding site for a cofactor and the substrate, FAD and 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate respectively. Mechanistic studies have shown that the enzyme produced by the A allele, which encodes a valine residue, has reduced thermal stability and 55% reduced activity compared to the enzyme produced by the G allele. Consistent with these results, carriers of the A allele were found to have decreased levels of folate and increased levels of homocysteine. As a result, carriers of the A allele are at risk for neural tubes defects, vascular disease, stroke, migraine, depression, and infertility. Furthermore, individuals heterozygous for rs1801133 and rs1801131, another polymorphism in the MTHFR gene, have a more severe clinical phenotype that is similar to the AA genotype for rs1801133. Lastly, despite the prevalence of both minor alleles, the genotype combination rs1801131 GG and rs1801133 AA is nearly nonexistent in the population, suggesting it confers a significant genetic disadvantage.

  • MTHFS (methenyletetrahydrofolate synthase) is an enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of 5-formyltetrahydrofolate to 5,10-methenyltetrahydrofolate, a precursor of reduced folates. This polymorphism codes for a decreased function of the enzyme and results in poor utilization of Leucovorin (5-formyltetrahydrofolate).

  • MTR (Methionine Synthase) codes for the enzyme that catalyzes the final step in methionine biosynthesis. Polymorphisms in this gene lead to poor recycling of methionine from homocysteine. This enzyme work in coordination with MTRR and requires both MTHF and B12 for proper functioning. Deficiencies in Methionine leads to poor methylation that is associated with numerous neurological, cardiovascular and immunological disease states, as well as, infertility and birth defects.

  • Methionine Synthase Reductase is an enzyme responsible for the production of methionine, a very important amino acid. Polymorphisms in this enzyme require an increased amount of Methyl B12 to help this reaction

  • The MTRR (5-methyltetrahydrofolate-homocysteine methyltransferase reductase) gene encodes an enzyme that regenerates methionine synthase, an enzyme encoded by the MTR gene, to a functional state. As a results, MTRR is also known as methionine synthase reductase, and it has a key role maintaining folate-methionine homeostasis. The polymorphism rs1801394 results in a methionine substitution for an isoleucine residue in the enzyme at position 22, and biochemical studies have found that the enzyme encoded by the G allele has a lower affinity for its target, methionine synthase, than the enzyme encoded by the A allele. These results suggest that carriers of the G allele, which produces a protein containing a methionine residue, may have reduced regeneration of methionine synthase and reduced conversion of homocysteine to methionine. Congruently, numerous studies have shown that G allele carriers have elevated homocysteine levels, which can be mediated by supplementation with folate. The G allele was also found to be a risk factor for neural tube defects and Down syndrome. Lastly, risk of neural tube defects was increased in G allele carriers who were also deficient in vitamin B12

  • The SLC19A1 gene encodes the reduced folate carrier (RFC) protein. Mutations in the RFC are associated with reduced plasma folate.

  • The protein product of the transcobalamin 1 (TCN1) gene binds Vitamin B12 and protects it from the low pH environment of the human stomach. Individuals homozygous for the G allele of the TCN1 SNP, rs526934, are predicted to have lower serum B12.

  • The protein product of the Transcobalamin 2 gene, TCN2, binds the active form of vitamin B-12. Individuals with the G/G phenotype at rs1801198 have decreased serum B-12 and increased homocysteine when compared to individuals with the C/C phenotype.

  • The CUBN (cubilin) gene encodes a receptor for intrinsic factor-cobalamin (Cbl-IF) complexes, and it is essential for intestinal absorption of vitamin B12. The polymorphism rs1801222 results in a phenylalanine substitution for a cysteine residue at position 253 in the protein. The A allele, which encodes a phenylalanine residue, is associated with reduced plasma levels of vitamin B12 and increased levels of homocysteine. Additionally, the A allele has been associated with risk for neural tube defects.

  • The MAT1A (methionine adenosyltransferase 1A) gene encodes an enzyme that transfers the adenosyl moiety of ATP to methionine to form S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe), the universal methyl donor. SAMe is essential to hundreds of biological reactions for modifying biomolecules, such as lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids. Additionally, SAMe is needed for epigenetic regulation, hormone and neurotransmitter synthesis, and detoxification. When SAMe donates a methyl group, S-adenosyl homocysteine is produced, and homocysteine needs to be processed through the methionine cycle or the transsulfuration pathway to prevent excess oxidative stress. The polymorphism rs7087728 occurs in the 3' untranslated region of MAT1A; therefore, the variation may alter mRNA stability. Individuals with the GG genotype had increased levels of urinary 8-OHdG, a marker of oxidative DNA damage. Unlike the response in A allele carriers, vitamin B6, which can support homocysteine clearance, was not effective at reducing levels of oxidative DNA damage in individuals with the GG genotype. This suggests that the DNA damage observed in individuals with the GG genotype may be due to decreased methylation due to reduced SAMe production. In summary, individuals with the GG genotype may be at increased risk for reduced MAT1A activity, SAMe production, and methylation capacity.

  • The BHMT (betaine-homocysteine S-methyltransferase) gene encodes an essential enzyme that consume betaine, or trimethylglycine, to convert homocysteine to dimethylglycine and methionine. Therefore, BHMT both detoxifies homocysteine and generates methionine needed to maintain methylation capacity. It is primarily expressed in the liver and kidneys. The polymorphism rs3733890 results in a glutamine substitution for an arginine residue at position 239. The A allele, which encodes a glutamine residue, results in more partitioning of choline, a precursor of betaine, for phosphatidylcholine synthesis via the cytidine diphosphate (CDP)-choline pathway, suggesting that less betaine is available for detoxification of homocysteine and regeneration of methionine. Likewise, carriers of the A allele have been shown to have reduced levels of betaine and dimethylglycine. Furthermore, folate was shown to be a less effective treatment to lower homocysteine levels in carrier of the A allele with hyperhomocysteinemia. Nevertheless, increased intake of choline in A allele carriers can increase flux to betaine synthesis to support BHMT activity. In summary, A allele carriers may benefit from increased choline or betaine intake, especially when managing high levels of homocysteine.

  • CBS (cystathionine beta-synthase) gene encodes an enzyme that catalyzes the first step in the transsulfuration pathway. More specifically, CBS, a pyridoxal 5'-phosphatedependent enzyme, consumes serine to convert homocysteine to cystathionine, which is further catabolized to generate substrate for glutathione synthesis. Therefore, homocysteine clearance and glutathione synthesis converge on the function of CBS. The polymorphism rs234706 results in a nucleotide substitution in exon 8. Carriers of the G allele have been found to have higher levels of homocysteine and lower levels of cystathionine and betaine, consistent with reduced CBS activity. Furthermore, individuals with the GG genotype had higher plasma homocysteine following the ingestion of a methionine load, and individuals with the GG genotype were less responsive to folate supplementation to lower homocysteine levels. Lastly, the GG genotype is associated with increased risk for coronary artery disease.

  • The Vitamin D (calcitriol) Receptor is a member of the nuclear receptor family. Upon activation by vitamin D ( a secosteroid), the VDR causes the activation or deactivation of protein production by the cell. Impaired vitamin D function can result in significant immune weakness and increased cancer risk, as well as, early bone loss, an increased risk of cognitive decline and mood disorders.

  • GC aka DBP (Vit. D Binding Protein) gene codes for Vit. D binding protein. This protein belongs to the albumin family and is a multifunctional protein found in plasma, ascitic fluid, cerebrospinal fluid and on the surface of many cell types. It is manufactured in the hepatic parenchymal cells. DBP is capable of binding to all forms of Vit D including ergocalciferol (vitamin D2) and cholecaldiferol (vitamin D3), the 25-hydroxylated forms (calcifediol) and the active hormonal product, 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D (calcitriol). The major proportion of vitamin D in blood is bound to this protein. It transports vitamin D metabolites between skin, liver and kidney, and then on to the various target tissues. It binds to vitamin D and its plasma metabolites and transports them to target tissues. Polymorphisms in this gene decrease the affinity of the protein to Vit. D which reduces the response rate to Vit. D therapy. Patients with these polymorphisms require high doses of Vit D supplementation.

  • The SIRT1 (sirtuin 1) gene encodes a nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) and zinc-dependent histone deacetylase. SIRT1 is an important epigenetic regulator that responds to metabolic and oxidative stress to activate genes related to mitochondrial biogenesis and ATP production. SIRT1 activates PGC-1? through the SIRT1/PGC-1? axis, which responds to the cytosolic ratio of NAD+ to NADH. The polymorphism rs1467568 occurs in the eighth intron, and studies have found that G allele carriers may be at risk for increased BMI and obesity. Studies have also shown that SIRT1 expression was lower in overweight or obese individuals than it was in lean individuals. Together, these results suggest that G allele carriers may have reduced SIRT1 expression, restricting the SIRT1/PGC-1? axis and mitochondrial biogenesis. Furthermore, studies have found that physical activity and calorie restriction, known activators of SIRT1, can effectively address excess weight in G allele carriers. Lastly, BMI was noticeably higher in G allele carriers with low vitamin E, indicating that antioxidants may support SIRT1 and mitochondrial activity in G allele carriers as well.

  • The PPARGC1A (PPARG coactivator 1 alpha) gene encodes a transcriptional coactivator, termed PGC-1?, that enhances mitochondrial biogenesis and function. PGC-1? activity leads to the transcription of TFAM, which translocates to the mitochondrial matrix where it stimulates mitochondrial DNA replication and expression of other mitochondrial gene needed for replication. The polymorphism rs8192678 results in a serine substitution for a glycine at position 487, and the T allele encodes a serine residue. Individuals with the TT genotype were found to have reduced mitochondrial DNA copy number, less endurance exercise capacity, and increased risk of metabolic dysfunction, suggesting that mitochondrial content is decreased. Additionally, carriers of the T allele may have increased risk of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), which often coincides with metabolic dysfunction.

  • The TFAM (transcription factor A, mitochondrial) gene codes a transcription factor that promotes the expression of genes essential for mitochondrial DNA replication and repair. The polymorphism rs1937 results in a threonine substitution for a serine residue at position 12, which occurs in the mitochondrial signaling sequence. Individuals with the GG genotype were found to have reduced endurance exercise capacity and decreased longevity, suggesting that ability of the mitochondria to produce sufficient energy may be decreased. Furthermore, the GG genotype was associated with increased risk for Alzheimer disease.

  • The NQO1 (NAD(P)H quinone dehydrogenase 1) gene encodes a riboflavin-dependent enzyme that protects against oxidative stress. Moreover, it regenerates the antioxidant capacity of CoQ10 by reducing it. The polymorphism rs1800566 results in a serine substitution for a proline residue at position 187, which occurs in the FAD-binding site. The A allele, which encodes a serine residue, produces a variant with reduced stability due to reduced ability to bind FAD, a necessary co-factor. Because CoQ10 is sensitive to oxidative stress, molecular studies suggest that NOQ1 has a role in maintaining CoQ10 status, and a clinical study found an association with NOQ1 and CoQ10 status and response to supplementation. Lastly, molecular studies have found that NOQ1 function is also dependent on adequate levels of riboflavin.

  • The NPC1L1 (NPC1 like intracellular cholesterol transporter 1) gene encodes a transmembrane protein that has a crucial role in the intestinal absorption of cholesterol, vitamin E, and CoQ10. The polymorphism rs2072183 results in a nucleotide substitution in exon 2. Carriers of the minor, C allele were shown to be less responsive to CoQ10 supplementation, suggesting that intestinal absorption may be reduced.

  • The NFE2L2 (NFE2 like bZIP transcription factor 2) gene encodes a transcription factor, known as NRF2, that has a crucial role in the regulation of a network of antioxidant genes. NRF2 activates expression of genes with a conserved promoter sequence called the antioxidant response elements (ARE). Genes with an ARE include superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), and glutathione peroxidase (GPX), etc. Therefore, NRF2 is a master regulator of oxidant and antioxidant balance. The polymorphism rs6721961 occurs in the promoter region of NFE2L2, and mechanistic studies have found that the variant encoded by the T allele has reduced promoter activity and mRNA levels. Consistent with these findings, carriers of the T allele have been shown to have lower total antioxidant capacity. T allele carriers had less SOD, CAT, GPX, and glutathione activity. Furthermore, T allele carriers are at increased risk for insulin resistance and vascular stiffness.

  • The SOD2 (superoxide dismutase 2) gene encodes a mitochondrial enzyme that uses iron and manganese to covert superoxide, a byproduct of the mitochondrial electron transport chain, to hydrogen peroxide and oxygen. As a results, SOD2 clears mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (ROS), conferring protection against mitochondrial damage and cell death. The polymorphism rs4880 results in a valine substitution for an alanine residue in the enzyme at position 16. Mechanistic studies have shown that the G allele, which encodes a valine residue, has decreased basal activity of SOD2. Furthermore, SOD2 can be upregulated by inflammatory signals in cells carrying the G allele, but prolonged cellular stress resulted in an accumulation of toxic metabolic by-products, suggesting that the efficiency of cellular detoxification pathways was reduced with the G allele. Clinical studies have also found that the GG genotype is associated with increased risk for kidney dysfunction and hepatotoxicity in response to various pharmacological treatments.

  • COMT is an important enzyme involved in the metabolism of multiple important endogenous molecules, including the neurotransmitter dopamine and the hormone estrogen. It is implicated in a variety of disorders like OCD, anxiety, breast cancer, and so on.

  • If there’s a SNP you’re wanting to test that you don’t see listed, just email us. We have the capacity to test many different SNPs, including things like APOE, MAO-A/B, and much more.

The Mood Panel

  • The MTHFR (methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase) gene encodes a metabolic enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate to 5-methyltetrahydrofolate (MTHF), the bioactive form of folate. Folate is a crucial mediator of one-carbon metabolism, which is necessary for a plethora of biochemical functions, such as nucleotide biosynthesis, amino acid metabolism, epigenetic maintenance, and oxidative defense. The polymorphism rs1801131, sometimes referred to as A1298C, results in an alanine substitution for a glutamate residue in the enzyme at position 429, which occurs near the binding site for an allosteric inhibitor, S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAMe). Cell-based assays have shown that the enzyme produced by the G allele, which encodes an alanine residue, reduces MTHFR activity by about 30% compared to the enzyme produced by the T allele. Consistent with these findings, the GG genotype has been associated with increased risk for ischemic stroke and infertility due to decreased sperm production in men. Furthermore, individuals heterozygous for rs1801131 and rs1801133, another polymorphism in the MTHFR gene, have a more severe clinical phenotype that is similar to the AA genotype for rs1801133. Lastly, despite the prevalence of both minor alleles, the genotype combination rs1801131 GG and rs1801133 AA is nearly nonexistent in the population, suggesting it confers a significant genetic disadvantage.

  • The MTHFR (methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase) gene encodes a metabolic enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate to 5-methyltetrahydrofolate (MTHF), the bioactive form of folate. Folate is a crucial mediator of one-carbon metabolism, which is necessary for a plethora of biochemical functions, such as nucleotide biosynthesis, amino acid metabolism, epigenetic maintenance, and oxidative defense. The polymorphism rs1801133, sometimes referred to as C677T, results in a valine substitution for an alanine residue in the enzyme at position 222, which occurs near the binding site for a cofactor and the substrate, FAD and 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate respectively. Mechanistic studies have shown that the enzyme produced by the A allele, which encodes a valine residue, has reduced thermal stability and 55% reduced activity compared to the enzyme produced by the G allele. Consistent with these results, carriers of the A allele were found to have decreased levels of folate and increased levels of homocysteine. As a result, carriers of the A allele are at risk for neural tubes defects, vascular disease, stroke, migraine, depression, and infertility. Furthermore, individuals heterozygous for rs1801133 and rs1801131, another polymorphism in the MTHFR gene, have a more severe clinical phenotype that is similar to the AA genotype for rs1801133. Lastly, despite the prevalence of both minor alleles, the genotype combination rs1801131 GG and rs1801133 AA is nearly nonexistent in the population, suggesting it confers a significant genetic disadvantage.

  • COMT is an important enzyme involved in the metabolism of multiple important endogenous molecules, including the neurotransmitter dopamine and the hormone estrogen. It is implicated in a variety of disorders like OCD, anxiety, breast cancer, and so on.

  • The MAOA (monoamine oxidase A) gene encodes for a riboflavin-dependent enzyme that degrades monoamine neurotransmitters, such as serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine. Thus, MAOA ends neuronal signaling induced by those neurotransmitters. MAOA is bound to the mitochondrial membrane by a transmembrane segment, and it has overlapping function with MAOB. However, MAOA has a higher affinity for serotonin and norepinephrine than MAOB. The G allele for the polymorphism rs6323 results in an enzyme with increased activity, and the G allele may be associated with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Furthermore, women with the GG genotype had a sustained reaction to stressful stimuli, suggesting reduced stress resiliency.

  • The MAOB (monoamine oxidase B) gene encodes for a riboflavin-dependent enzyme that degrades monoamine neurotransmitters, such as serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine. Thus, MAOB ends neuronal signaling induced by those neurotransmitters. MAOB is bound to the mitochondrial membrane by a transmembrane segment, and it has overlapping function with MAOA. However, MAOB has a higher affinity for dopamine, phenylethylamine, and benzylamine than MAOA. The polymorphism rs1799836 occurs in intron 13, and the T allele results in an enzyme with increased activity leading to a higher rate of dopamine turnover. As a result, the T allele has been associated with motor complications in Parkinson's disease, and the TT genotype may be a risk factor for Alzheimer's disease, which is known to present with decreased dopamine signaling. Lastly, survey data suggests that the T allele might be associated with feelings of stress, loneliness, sporadic attention, and anxiety.

  • The GAD1 (Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase 1) gene encodes the rate-limiting enzyme responsible for conversion of glutamate, a stimulating neurotransmitter, to GABA, a calming neurotransmitter. A deficiency of GABA is associated with a variety of neuropsychological disorders, including anxiety, depression, and sleep disorders. The polymorphism, rs3828275, occurs in the third intron. Carriers of the minor allele have an increased risk for post-traumatic epilepsy, whereas carriers of the wild-type allele are potentially more responsive to treatment with SSRIs.

  • The GAD1 (Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase 1) gene encodes the rate-limiting enzyme responsible for conversion of glutamate, a stimulating neurotransmitter, to GABA, a calming neurotransmitter. A deficiency of GABA is associated with a variety of neuropsychological disorders, including anxiety, depression, and sleep disorders. The polymorphism, rs769407, occurs in the sixth intron and has a possible association with an increased risk of neuroticism and mood disorders. Additionally, it has been shown to associate with sleep disturbances in depressed patients.

  • The DBH (Dopamine Beta Hydroxylase) gene encodes a monooxygenase enzyme that requires copper, vitamin C, and oxygen to catalyzes the conversion of dopamine to norepinephrine. DBH acts on the central and peripheral nervous systems and regulates the ratio of dopamine to norepinephrine. The single nucleotide polymorphism, rs1108580, occurs downstream of exon 2 at the 5’ splice junction, and the A allele has been shown to reduce DBH activity approximately 2-fold in human tissue. Additionally, the A allele has been shown to be more prevalent in alcohol-dependent individuals, and depressed individuals homozygous for the minor allele are possibly at increased risk for the development of psychosis.

  • The TPH2 (Tryptophan Hydroxylase 2) gene is selectively expressed in the brain and catalyzes the rate limiting step in the biosynthesis of serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine), an important neurotransmitter. The single nucleotide polymorphism, rs4570625, occurs in the promoter region of the gene, and the minor T allele has been shown to decrease expression of TPH2 in neuronal cell models. Moreover, heterozygous and homozygous individuals for the T allele have been shown to have reduced amygdalar and hippocampal volumes and are potentially at increased risk for depression.

  • The SLC6A4 gene encodes the serotonin transporter, also known as 5-HTT. The serotonin transporter is responsible for clearing serotonin from the synaptic space. The single nucleotide polymorphism, rs1042173, occurs in the 3’-untranslated region and has been shown to reduce 5-HTT levels in cell models. Additionally, the AA genotype has been shown to associate with higher drinking intensity in alcohol-dependent individuals in comparison to the CC or CA genotype. Furthermore, individuals with the AA genotype have been shown to have an increased response to ondansetron, a competitive serotonin type 3 receptor antagonist, when used to treat severe alcohol consumption.

  • he HTR2A (5-hydroxytryptamine 2A receptor) gene encodes one of the neuronal receptors for the neurotransmitter serotonin. The polymorphism rs6313 results in a single nucleotide change at position 102, which is subject to regulation by methylation. Mutations in the HTR2 gene are associated with individual response to antidepressants and antipsychotics. For example, individuals homozygous for the G-allele of rs613 are more likely to be non-responsive to clozapine and may be at increased risk for adverse reactions to aripiprazole, citalopram, and paroxetine.

  • The TRPM6 (transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 6) gene encodes a membrane transporter that is essential for magnesium homeostasis. TRPM6 is expressed in gut and kidneys, and it is needed for magnesium absorption. The polymorphism rs2274924 results in a nucleotide change that causes translation of the transporter to terminate prematurely, resulting in a truncated version of the transporter that is approximately 500 amino acids shorter than the full-length protein. Carriers of the C allele, which encodes the truncated protein, are at increased risk for hypomagnesemia, with individuals with the CC genotype at greater risk.

Methylation is one of the most essential biochemical processes in the human body.

It’s involved in neurotransmitter production and breakdown, detoxification of harmful substances, histamine regulation, mood, cognition, immune function, regulation of DNA expression, creatine production, and so much more. MTHFRSolve’s comprehensive methylation panel gives you the information you need to optimize these aspects of your health—for a price that’s nearly unrivaled in today’s market.

We’re providing you one of the most comprehensive genetic assessments of methylation available. You’ll only need this test once in your life.

MTHFRSolve Comprehensive Methylation Panel + COMT Testing
from $399.00


  • Our test is conducted via the same method as Gary Brecka's test, i.e. via cheek swab. Gary Brecka's 10X test covers 5 key methylation genes: COMT, AHCY, MTRR, MTR, and MTHFR. Our Comprehensive Methylation Panel + COMT testing kit includes over 20 genes to give you a deeper understanding of what nutritional, supplemental, and lifestyle changes you need to make to improve your methylation status.

  • There are no hidden fees. You pay a one-time flat-fee for your kit, and shipping is free. Your kit comes with a pre-included shipping label so you don’t have to pay for return shipping back to the laboratory.

  • Your sample is obtained via a simple cheek swab—the same as the method used by, for example, Gary Brecka’s cheek swab test.

  • Generally speaking, DNA methylation tests cost upward of $400-$500, but even then, they often test only a handful of genes (MTHFR, CBS, MTR, etc.), not giving you a full picture of your genetic vulnerabilities. Our comprehensive test looks at over 20 different gene loci and costs only $499, making it one of the best deals currently on the market.

  • Your genetic methylation kit results come with a full report sent to your email explaining what your genes mean and what supplemental measures can be taken to optimize your methylation. If you’re looking for more than that—for a genetic methylation doctor “near you”—we also have expert doctors on staff who are available virtually. You’ll get a live 45-minute consult with one of them included in our Ultimate Methylation Package. Check out all our kits to learn more.

  • There’s been growing interest in the COMT gene recently given that it can affect thing like anxiety, mental fatigue, obsessiveness, and breast cancer risk. Generally speaking, if you have a “mutation” in this gene, what that really means is that you have an under-functioning polymorphism that is less effective at breaking down dopamine, estrogen, and other metabolites. What should you do about that? What supplements should you take to deal with this COMT gene “mutation”—at least as Gary Brecka calls it? It really depends on what you find on your complete genetic report, but COMT function can be effectively increased by increasing levels of SAMe, which involves increasing the recycling of homocysteine back into methionine using the proper combination of methyl-folate, methyl-B12, choline, betaine (i.e. TMG), etc. depending on your genetic results. You also may need to avoid certain supplements that inhibit COMT—things like quercetin for example.

  • If you’re wondering how to increase methylation in your body naturally, you’ve first got to determine whether you have a methylation problem and where that problem exists. It’s not as simple as starting everyone on methylfolate or other methylated B vitamins. You got to determine which enzymes are not functioning well (there are a lot more than just MTHFR), which metabolites are building up, etc. in order to build a plan that works for you. Our genetic tests are a great way to do that.

  • There are a lot of supplements that can affect the way your body methylates: Things like methylcobalamin, methylfolate, magnesium, NAC, and much more. For some people, these will help, but for others, they can actually hurt. A better question is: What supplements will help my body with methylation? What does my body need to start methylating better. To figure that out, you need to get testing. Check out our genetic tests to get started.

  • We currently serve four US states: Arizona, Florida, Minnesota, and Texas. Whether you’re in a bigger city like Houston, Texas; Phoenix, Arizona; Tampa, Florida; or Minneapolis, Minnesota—or a small country town, you can get testing from MTHFRSolve! We are entirely virtual, so you can be located anywhere in these states and get MTHFR and methylation-related genetic testing.

  • Genetic testing is provided in collaboration with third-party labs. We generally collaborate with Fagron lab in Texas.

  • If there’s a SNP you’re wanting to test that you don’t see listed, just email us or give us a call. We have the capacity to test many different SNPs, including things like APOE, MAO-A/B, and much more.

  • If you have an under-functioning polymorphism (sometimes referred to incorrectly as a mutation) of the MTHFR gene, you are less able to turn inactive folate into the active form. In such cases, you should completely avoid consuming folic acid (in supplements or fortified foods, like cereals and breads) and instead focusing on consuming more of the active form of folate in supplemental form and/or in folate-rich foods, like leafy greens and liver.

    Keep in mind, however, that MTHFR is not the only gene that can cause this problem; there are many other genes involved, and that’s why you need to obtain comprehensive testing of methylation-related genes and SNPs.

  • Yes! We’re entirely virtual, so we can absolutely provide MTHFR and methylation-related genetic testing to Phoenix and all of Arizona! We serve all of Texas, Florida, and Minnesota as well—so whether you’re in a bigger city like Houston, Dallas, Jacksonville, or Minneapolis, or a smaller town out in no-man’s land, you can get genetic testing from MTHFRSolve!

  • Methylation-related genetics absolutely has a role in the development of anxiety and OCD. Long story short, if your body is not able to produce methyl donors (like SAMe) well enough, the function of certain brain enzymes (especially COMT) will be suboptimal and lead to imbalance in neurotransmitters—like dopamine—which can lead to anxiety. For more detail, check out this article, but the bottom line is that genetic testing is the first step in the process.


Send us an email or give us a phone call, and we’ll be happy to answer your questions!